Sunday, February 5, 2012

~For Me~

I've had many thoughts lately about starting my OWN PERSONAL BLOG (journal).
And today I decided that I need to start!  

There are so many things I do for everyone else and when it comes to me--well, oftentimes I get pushed to the wayside.  So this blog is for me--my thoughts, my frustrations, my joys, and celebrating even "the small celebrations" in everyday life.  

Today was Super Bowl Sunday.  We spent the evening at Tyler and Jamie's house.  It takes about 30-40 minutes to get there.  As we drove Dan and I talked about how fast our children are growing up.  I cried the whole drive.  I am so sad (and also at the same time happy) that my children are getting older.  I have no children in the Nursery at church.  Cody's 8, he learning to play the piano.  Steven and Luke are 6 1/2.  Kyle and Jack are going to be 4 in 8 days.  And my sweet baby girl is 5 months.  I wish I could stop time! Or just shrink wrap them all!!!  I really need to savor these fleeting moments.  

All to often I am a stress case.  Frustrated that the house it dirty, that it's 5 o'clock and I have not even started dinner, that I do 3 loads of laundry a day---that the laundry is NEVER ending. I feel that there are too many times that I am focusing on the negative things about my life.  When I SHOULD be focusing on "the small celebrations".  

Like for instance, today going to church.  (which is most often a JOKE) but we go and we do it to teach our sweet children that our Heavenly Father is so important.  Today, we made it through Sacrament Meeting without having to take out one child.  HUGE SUCCESS!!!! And at the same time a "small celebration".  

I'm hoping this blog (journal) can be focused on "the small celebrations" in my life.  Of course there will be frustrations, and what I'm hoping is that thru the frustrations I can uncover "the small celebrations" no matter how hard they are to find.  

One things for sure--I love my life!  I love my children!  I am living my dream!  I have always wanted to be a mother-- and I'm doing just that.  

So here's to discovering, thru trials, frustrations, life, laundry and happiness those "small celebrations".

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